Ecological Impact Assessment

What are ecological impact assessments?

Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) aim to recognise, measure and assess the probable consequences of development-related activities on habitats, species, and ecosystems.

What happens during an ecological impact assessment?

The initial stage of an EcIA includes a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), which identifies the features of ecological interest and establishes the ecological baseline information for the site.

Our team of ecologists can then establish which features are likely to be impacted by the development and assess whether further surveys for protected species or notable habitats are required.

When can ecological impact assessments take place?

Ecological impact assessments (EcIA) can take place at different stages throughout the project lifecycle. In the early planning phase, EcIA can be conducted to evaluate potential ecological impacts and identify sensitive areas or species that may be affected. This allows project managers and stakeholders to make informed decisions and consider alternative approaches to minimise negative effects.

EcIA can also occur during the construction phase to monitor the implementation of mitigation measures and ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

EcIA can also take place after project completion to assess the long-term ecological effects and measure the success of any restoration or conservation efforts.

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